Acerca de Nosotros

Este sitio web es un espacio para documentar y organizar las fotografías de actividades y campañas de voluntariado en Candelaria.

man in green t-shirt and blue denim jeans holding brown cardboard box
man in green t-shirt and blue denim jeans holding brown cardboard box
woman in black and white striped long sleeve shirt sitting on black car
woman in black and white striped long sleeve shirt sitting on black car
a woman sitting on a beach
a woman sitting on a beach

Nuestra Misión

Crear un archivo histórico sobre los esfuerzos y logros de las entidades voluntarias para inspirar y motivar a futuras generaciones en Candelaria.


Espacio para documentar campañas y actividades de voluntariado local.

a person sitting on a beach
a person sitting on a beach
Actividades Sociales

Capturamos momentos de trabajo comunitario en Candelaria.

a large body of water surrounded by a lush green hillside
a large body of water surrounded by a lush green hillside
a close up of a plant with green leaves
a close up of a plant with green leaves
A black and white photo of a city at night
A black and white photo of a city at night
Memoria Histórica

Preservamos la historia de las actividades y campañas realizadas.

a group of young children sitting at a table
a group of young children sitting at a table


Memoria visual de actividades y campañas de voluntariado en Candelaria.

a cobblestone road leading to a green house
a cobblestone road leading to a green house
a group of people carrying surfboards on top of a beach
a group of people carrying surfboards on top of a beach
A black and white photo of some very tall buildings
A black and white photo of some very tall buildings
a silver sports car parked on a gravel road
a silver sports car parked on a gravel road
a car being worked on in a garage
a car being worked on in a garage